Academic Information

Grading Policies

For homework assignments, please wait at least 24 hours after turning in the assignment for a grade and written feedback.  All assignments will receive written feedback and a score percentage unless I have said or written otherwise.

For Quizzes or Test, the grading process may take a little more of my time so expect a grade and feedback after 2-3 days after turning in the assessment. 

Projects and large presentations will take more time to grade because of their length and the amount of students I teach.  Please have patience with me and contact me if you have any questions. 

Again, my contact information is under the tab titled “Mr. Perez”



Some assignments do not have the need for an intricate rubric such as homework assignments and exit slips.  

Longer assignments such as tests, quizzes, and projects will require a rubric to ensure the expectations are met.  I will have created each rubric myself and will share them with you once the assessments are shared with you.  This will ensure that the expectations are clear and you all understand them.  


Academic Resources

I will be staying after school on every Wednesday and Friday for an hour, unless I announce otherwise.  All of my students are welcome to come in during these times if they have questions or need help on assignments.  Parents, please feel free to contact me if you feel like you child should stay after with me for an hour.  


Parents, also feel free to contact me if you wish to schedule a conference with or without your child.  I am always willing to have conversations and make possible appropriate adjustments for the student.  If you email me, we should be able to set up a conference within two weeks time.